Whole Health Macrobiotic Forum

A Worldwide Health Community

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Macrobiotic Study

A FREE online platform to learn together as an international community.

We invite macrobiotic friends and their friends around the world to join us in an English language exchange of ideas and understanding.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

5:00 pm Israel time / 10:00 a.m EST


Look for recipes from past Forums on this website

Contact us to teach at INFO@THERICEHOUSE.COM. We’d love to have you!

May 5th Whole Health Forum: Jessica Porter

Exploring Health: Natural Freedom in an AI World

A whole foods, natural, macrobiotic diet has natural intelligence, possibly our best hedge against an ever-tightening tech spiral.  In a world that decides many of our actions and even thoughts for us, putting natural food in our body seems to me one of the only choices we can make that’s stronger than technology.

Who’d have thought my random adoption of macrobiotics in my 20s would be a mental life saver? Whole foods allow us to become whole, to discover our actual selves. We can eat our way out of disconnection, and it’s a whole lot cheaper--and tastier--than a therapist (although seeing a therapist can be a good thing, too!)

Other elements of natural freedom: Meditation, good sleep, traditional exercises, striving toward the practice of unconditional love, cultivating positivity, and creativity… join this discussion to help add to this list!!